Brother - Miranda van der Steen
A riveting thriller
The story of a sixteen year old Dutch girl whose brother is found hanging in public and is considered to be suicide. However her courage and determination lead to the arrest of the men who murdered him.
Disturbance of the peace - Miranda van der Steen
It's OK if you don't get on with your neighbours over the road. But what if you and they have some shared, unsavoury history? And what's it like when it's only your house and their house in the same deserted street?
Maybe, one day, they decide to take revenge on you. Then what?
Meet Japser and Jantine. Meet Marc and Marcella. Two lovely young couples on the surface. But the wrongs of past behaviours bubble away and eventually come to a boiling point in this harrowing tale of revenge and its aftermath.
Il Fratello - Miranda van der Steen
Un avvincente thriller
William viene trovato morto la mattina della festa nel paese di Weerden. Nel villaggio si dice che William si sia suicidato, ma Christien, la sorella adottiva sedicenne di Williams, non ci crede. Durante la sua ricerca dell'assassino scopre tantissime bugie e segreti del villaggio in cui vive.